Fun Facts: A Temperance Miscellany
Here are a couple of miscellaneous temperance fun facts for history buffs, ranging from the views of Thomas Cook to the origins of Vimto....

Temperance Buildings: A Comprehensive Overview
From Halls to Hospitals, the Temperance movement prompted the construction of a variety of buildings, a lot of which stand today. Besides...

Thomas Burt - Temperance Campaigner & 1st Working Class M.P.
On this day in 1837 - Thomas Burt, acknowledged to be the first working class MP in Britain, was born in the North East of England. He...

23rd August 1832 - 1st Total Abstinence Pledge signed.
On this day, 186 years ago John King was passing Joseph Livesesy's shop in Church Street, Preston - Joseph Livesey invited him in and...

A Foundation Laid 80 Years Ago.
The 25th May 2018 marked the 80th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of Alliance House. The building in Caxton Street,...

P. T. Winskill - A Key to the Mystery.
Peter Turner Winskill (1834-1912) In any history of the Temperance Movement, Peter Turner Winskill stands proud as a historian, advocate,...

Temperance, The Great Exhibition and the Crystal Palace.
The story of the 1851 Great Exhibition and its iconic venue, Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace, is well known. What is perhaps not so well...

Birth of the 'Teetotal' Movement
2017 marks the 185th anniversary of the birth of the Total Abstinence movement or what in time came to be known as Teetotalism. In the...