Origins of the Alliance House Foundation.

The second great aggregate meeting of the United Kingdom Alliance on the 25th October 1854.
Alliance House Foundation has origins extending back to 1853. The United Kingdom Alliance, which would later go on to be Alliance House, was founded on the 1st of June, 1853 with the following mission statement:
"The object of the alliance shall be to call forth and direct an enlightened public opinion to procure the total and immediate legislative suppression of the traffic in all intoxicating liquors as beverages."
More information about the Temperance movement can be found at the Archive.
United Kingdom Temperance Alliance Limited
In 1937, the directors of the United Kingdom Alliance took the decision that the temperance movement would benefit from building a headquarters building in London.
The building was built and opened in 1938 and the property was vested in a holding company called "Alliance House Westminster limited".
In 1942 the United Kingdom Temperance Alliance was created and registered as a charity to carry on the educational work of the Alliance and ownership of the building was passed to the charity, as a charity UKTA would be able to receive charitable legacies and donations.
UKTA Ltd was established under a memorandum and articles of association incorporated on the 23rd February 1942.

UKA to UKTA to Alliance House Foundation

In 1985 the UKA applied for and was granted charitable status under registration number 293067.
The Charitable objectives were stated as:
"To advance education of the people and combat the evil of intemperance among all classes of society and to introduce to public to abstain from consumption of alcoholic liquors."
The UKA was removed from the register on 30th March 2012.
In June 2003 the name of UKTA Ltd was officially changed to Alliance House Foundation. We operate under the registered charity number 208554.
We continue to promote total abstinence as a life-style choice but we are not seeking to enforce it by legislation. We believe an alcohol free society can be one reached by agreement and promoting alternatives to alcohol.