Thomas Burt - Temperance Campaigner & 1st Working Class M.P.
On this day in 1837 - Thomas Burt, acknowledged to be the first working class MP in Britain, was born in the North East of England. He...

23rd August 1832 - 1st Total Abstinence Pledge signed.
On this day, 186 years ago John King was passing Joseph Livesesy's shop in Church Street, Preston - Joseph Livesey invited him in and...

P. T. Winskill - A Key to the Mystery.
Peter Turner Winskill (1834-1912) In any history of the Temperance Movement, Peter Turner Winskill stands proud as a historian, advocate,...

Birth of the 'Teetotal' Movement
2017 marks the 185th anniversary of the birth of the Total Abstinence movement or what in time came to be known as Teetotalism. In the...