Mightier than the Sword
Many millions of words were written supporting the Temperance Movement. The abolition of Stamp and Paper Taxes between 1855 & 1861, together with the development of the railways grave fresh imeptus the spread of the written Temperance word. Published Journals, Tracts and Books were supported by Rallies, Meetings Demonstrations, Lectures, Slide Shows and Art.
Outdoor Meetings/Exhibitions
Temperance Talks/Lectures
The famous "Malt" lecture by Joseph Livesey.
Magic Lanterns
The Temperance Movement was adept at using modern technology to spread the message. Lectures illustrated by Magic Lantern captured the imagination of young and old alike and societies sold and hired slides .
A reconstruction
of a magic lantern at Beamish Museum, Durham.
Temperance and Art
The Art of George Cruikshank
The Drunkard's Children
The drunkard's children was designed and sketched by George Cruikshank and first published in 1848. It follows on from The bottle to show the consequences of a father's alcoholism upon the children.
Neglected by their parents, educated only in the streets, and falling into the hands of wretches who live upon the vices of others, they are led to the gin-shop to drink at that fountain which nourishes every species of crime.
Between the fine flaring gin-palace and the low dirty beer shop, the boy-thief squanders and gambles away his ill-gotten gains.
From the gin-shop to the dancing-rooms, from the dancing-rooms to the gin-shop, the poor girl is driven on in that course which ends in misery.
Urged on by his ruffian companions, and excited by drink, he commits a desperate robbery. - He is taken by the police at a three-penny lodging house.
From the bar of the gin-shop to the Old Bailey From the bar of the gin-shop to the bar of the Old Bailey it is but one step.
The drunkard's son is sentenced to transportation for life; the daughter, suspected of participation in the robbery, is acquitted. The brother and sister part forever in this world.
Early dissipation has destroyed the neglected boy. The wretched convict drops, and dies.
The maniac father and the convict brother are gone. The poor girl, homeless, friendless, deserted, destitute, and gin-mad, commits self-murder.
The temperance movement used what were known as Tracts to illustrate the alcohol problem. Tracts could be factual, political or like the example here a moral tale to inspire the reader to embrace temperance or total abstinence.
This example here "Drink the Destroyer" was published by the British Temperance League who were based in Sheffield and is set in the working class East End district of Attercliffe.